Friday, September 01, 2006


Surprise: People Starting To Doubt "Terror" War

It looks like the public is starting to come around about the flaming failure that is the "War on Terror." A new poll suggests that folks are not as confident about this hopeless campaign as they once were. (Link -- via Fark)

Let's look at some hardcore facts:

Terrorism has been around for thousands of years, and it doesn't show any signs of going away. The chances of any one targeted effort eradicating the tactic are none to none.

Five years after 9/11, we still don't have Osama's head on a pike, and probably never will. He stands more of a chance of dying from his kidney problems than being captured at this point.

We've spent over $450 Billion on the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, with no clearcut results in sight anytime soon. We've also spent $250 Billion on "Homeland Security," and all we've got to show for it is more hassles at the airport.

If you add up Afghanistan and Iraq, we've lost over 2,800 soldiers' lives. Couple that with the lack of results, and the cost in human lives doesn't look to encouraging.

In the end, it all hardly seems worth it...

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