Sunday, December 04, 2005


Welcome to Blog Prophyts!

Welcome to our latest project! Derreck and I (currently the only team members here at BP) would like to thank you all (yes, all two of you) for showing up for the dawn of our greatest constructive time-killer yet. What we do is scour teh Intarweb, looking for interesting stuff. Then we toss it up here on BP along with a link so all of you can check it out. Hopefully, along the way, we'll inform, entertain, amuse, and otherwise keep your attention long enough that you'll bookmark us.

But wait, there's more! Blog Prophyts is interactive, to a degree. Want to get famous (or at least well known to two people)? Then Submit A Link to us and we'll see about getting it posted! You'll get credit, a link to your site or email (if you want), and bragging rights among your small circle of friends that you're one of those-there "hot shot blog contributors." Neato-keene, eh? Right on.

Well, that's it for me checking in. Time for Derreck to test his prowess at the blog world...

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