Saturday, September 02, 2006


AT&T Hack Just The Beginning

The AT&T Store hack, which we reported on earlier this week, was only the opening salvo in what appears to be a much larger phishing operation. While the order data they stole didn't contain the customers' SSNs and birthdates, they sent out e-mails, complete with legitimate order and credit card numbers, going after what they didn't get from the initial hack. Scary. Glad I'm not an AT&T Customer anymore... (Link -- via Slashdot)

Sheesh I left a comment on one of your posts and dont know which one. I thought it was the first post but I guess not. I want you all to know that I had taken the link down to your site because I thought it was dead when there were no updates since March. Now that I know it is alive I re-added your link to my site. You will find it in the political blogroll in the right hand column. Sorry for the confusion on my part. Glad you guys are back and publishing again. I missed reading this blog. You can check your link on my blog at
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