Thursday, August 31, 2006


FCCFree Again

Score one for the Prophyt! My good friend John Miller, owner of and co-host of the John and Phil Radio Show, has asked me to once again hook him up with some of my skills in web site production. If you go to The Free right now, you'll see my handywork, at least as far as the coding is concerned. John designed the template, I handled the buttons. frame code, and other little fun stuff.

Well, this time around, we're taking The Free to the next level. John's on the verge of cracking the big time in the radio scene, and to bring the site up to date with it, we're going to have some big changes coming in the next few weeks/months.

And the idea is really, really sweet, too. I don't want to go into too many specifics, because the last thing we need is for some goon to rip off our concept. But, based on the images John sent me tonight, it's going to be quite the project. I'm going to have to teach myself Flash, which shouldn't be too bad, given my background in Macromedia products from my days at AIP. Thankfully, my Photoshop skills are still up to snuff, and my design theory is still in good enough shape to pull this off.

Stay tuned to this space for updates, previews, and more!

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