Sunday, February 26, 2006


Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

Hey, folks. LP here, letting you all know that I'm going on a bit of a vacation for a while. It will be some time before I can return to manage BP, but while I'm gone, I'm sure the other Prophyts can handle things. Updates might be less frequent, but don't give up on us! I promise that, once my vacation is over, I'll be back in full form, ready to continue to keep you informed about all the happy crap we cover here.

Thanks for making the first few months of Blog Prophyts so successful! I didn't think we'd get the reach that we have this quickly, but hey, I'm not arguing! Already we have some incredible contributors (The Corporal inparticular), and even our first "celebrity" friend, Chris Savino! You guys rock!

Leave the light on for me, I'll be back when I can. Until then, Good Journey to you all!

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