Thursday, February 23, 2006
UAE Port Takeover Roundup #1
OK, so I'm kinda ripping off Cory Doctorw's idea of rounding up news and posts of a particular story. Oh well, I'm sure he won't mind when he finds that I'm on his side in most issues, so here we go. First up on the block is some new linkage goodness, all from Fark's new Politics tab:
I would like to take this oppertunity to thank everyone in the United States who voted for George W. Bush for their infinite wisdom in using morality to elect a corrupt idiot who's willing to sell you all out. Go fuck yourselves. Your children can enter the Military first and be sent to die for your beloved, God-fearing "leader," and your children can foot the bill for this illegal war and the expansion of the National Debt it's brought about, because my kids aren't forking over one thin dime for this shit.
Joshua Micha Marshall's Talking Points Memos for this week include quite a bit of opinion about the UAE/US Port story. (Link -- Thread)And now, to our previous coverage of this ongoing problem that our Government is unloading on us.
WPMI is carrying a Chicago Times story on what the American Shipping Industry thinks of all this. The kicker? They're totally cool with it! WTF?!? Well, when bombs go off in their places of business, don't come crying to us. (Link -- Thread)
Bloomberg has a story about how President Moronpants didn't even know about the deal until after it was approved. Gee, for a guy so concerned with the safety of America, don't you think he should have been informed? Also noted is (BP's Home State) Pennsylvania Republican Curt Weldon, who says that even if the President Vetoes any action designed to stop the sale, Congress will override him, which is perfectly legal and even written into the Constitution! Hooray for Checks and Balances! (Link -- Thread)
Senator Chuck Schumer thinks that letting the Evil Empire of Halliburton run the six US ports in question is a better idea than giving it to UAE Roayl-owned Dubai Ports World. The scary part is, it would be a better idea. (Link -- Thread)
And here's a kicker for you: The CIA refused to target Osama bin Laden once, even though they knew where he was. Why? Because he was hanging out with members of the UAE Royal Family. Um, hello? The UAE Royal Family? Don't they own Dubai Ports World? Oh yeah! They do! So, DPW has more of a connection to Osama (a direct connection, in fact) than Iraq ever had! (Link -- Thread)
Wake Up Call #1: As the story broke, we went straight to the Daily Kos for insight.So, there you have it: Roundup #1. Hopefully, the situation will improve by the time we do Roundup #2, but chances are it won't.
Port Problems: New revelations that show DPW gaining control of the six US Ports will also give them some measure of control over US Military shipping operations.
Wake Up Call #2: Casey Lee Cobb of Open Your Mind's Eye provides us with an crucial video montage, including an OpEd segment by CNN's Jack Cafferty. Also featured, another OpEd piece from a Daily Kos contributor.
Too Many Concessions: Yes, I know I posted this this morning. But it's still part of our roundup. We discover that concessions were made to DPW, including waiving standard proceedures that apply to pretty much any foreign company doing business on American soil. Too much giving in, if you ask me. The scary part? It allows DPW to do business here and not be held accountable. For anything.
I would like to take this oppertunity to thank everyone in the United States who voted for George W. Bush for their infinite wisdom in using morality to elect a corrupt idiot who's willing to sell you all out. Go fuck yourselves. Your children can enter the Military first and be sent to die for your beloved, God-fearing "leader," and your children can foot the bill for this illegal war and the expansion of the National Debt it's brought about, because my kids aren't forking over one thin dime for this shit.