Monday, February 13, 2006


Prophyt Vs. Prophet

So anyway, there's this giant row over cartoons drawn by European news contributors that have Muslims' panties (do they even wear panties?) in a bunch. Protests, attacks on embassies, yadda yadda yadda. Well, I've done a little Google work and found two: One, the infamous Mumammad Bomb Cap, as well as one depicting him driving a rental truck carrying a dirty bomb.

To any and all Muslims who want to bitch, moan, complain and otherwise whine about me posting these: SCREW YOU! Go eat some bacon. And I invite you... No, I DARE you, to come get me. Go right ahead. Try and exact your pointless, stone-age revenge upon me for desecrating your Prophet. This Prophyt only has two words for you and your backwards sense of faith: SUCK IT! Also, The Corporal would like to tell you all something...

Now, someone bring me a Bible. I've got a turtle head poking out...

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