Wednesday, January 11, 2006
B$ has become an invaluable resource for BP, especially with the recent discovery of The IBC. Aside from the fact that I get to post something new besides "via Fark/BoingBoing/Slashdot," the content they have linked is of great interest to ourselves and our readership. Or at least it should be. Check this out:
"The president's lawyers stated, in a Dec. 22 letter to the Congress, that Bush ignored the 1978 law because he deemed it too slow. They wrote: "FISA could not have provided the speed and agility required." But how does that square with the fact that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act gives the president a 15-day grace period to initiate surveillance - and that FISA has rarely been an impediment? Between 1979 and 2002, the foreign intelligence surveillance court approved 15,264 warrants. It rejected four."Something tells me I'm going to like these guys... (Link -- via The IBC)