Friday, January 27, 2006
Poll: Americans Still Wary Of Domestic Wiretaps
President Dumbass is at it again, still trying to defend his 100% illegal Domestic Wiretapping Initiative he enacted shortly after 9/11. Now calling it a "Terrorist Surveilance Program" (yeah, right, Georgie), he's still trying to convince the American people of it's supposed legality. Duh. We know damn well that it isn't. But, a recent poll shows that more Americans are starting to think that it's OK if it protects them from terrorists. No, it doesn't. There hasn't been one thing done that has protected us at all. We're no safer than we were on September 10th, 2001. People: You see that quote up there under the title banner? If you think that this program is OK, then you deserve neither Liberty nor Safety, and should get exactly what you deserve. (Link -- via Slashdot)