Friday, January 06, 2006


Pat Robertson Is A Heartless Moron

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is barely hanging on to life after surgery, and Pat Robertson, ever the "good Christian man," is claiming that God did this to Sharon as punishment for giving pieces of Israel to the Palestinians. While it's asinine to think that Israelis are the only people to have a legitimate claim on that land in the first place, the fact that he's saying this about a human being who is fighting for his life is just plain wrong. Trying to further your political agenda at the expense of a dying man is heartless, cruel, and pretty down-right un-Christian. I thought God was Love, not about taking out political leaders who make him cranky... (Link)

Update: Of course, there's more. While I found this news on the Americans United for Seperation of Church and State website, CNN is running the story that all the blogs are linking to. So, to throw my hat in the ring, here's my link. (Link)

Update Update: Rather than have you dig through Technorati, I'll post some of the more recent links to blogs talking about what a tard Robertson really is. (Coloring Outside The Lines -- Grown-Up Sarah -- BabbleFest -- Empyrian Blaze -- Oblogation)

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