Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Iraq Hostage Crisis (Again)
Yep, another one. And this time, it's a pretty girl. Go figure. Pretty girl, media circus. Any other hostages, barely any media time. Anywho, the nut-job insurgents (they're not terrorists, they're insurgents, get it right) are demanding the release of all female Iraqi prisoners (though I don't know why, they treat women like dirt there, and the prison is probably treating them better) or Jill Carroll will be killed in 72 hours. And you Right Wing Nuts supported this war. Boy, don't you feel |-| that big... (Link -- via Fark)
Update: BoingBoing has a link to some more info, including a translated commentary by The Jordan Times, who initially hired Ms. Carroll and brought her to the Middle East. (Link -- via BoingBoing)
Update: BoingBoing has a link to some more info, including a translated commentary by The Jordan Times, who initially hired Ms. Carroll and brought her to the Middle East. (Link -- via BoingBoing)