Tuesday, January 10, 2006


The Co$t Of War: Trillion$

A Columbia Univer$ity re$earcher ha$ done $ome homework and come up with a reali$tic projection of the eventual co$t of the Iraq War, and it i$n't pretty. There are quite a few factor$ that go into the co$t of a full-blown illegal war, more than mo$t people realize. But the greate$t co$t of all is right in front of our face$: the Human Co$t. One of the bigge$t factor$ i$ the medical care of the U$ War Wounded, a$ well a$ the payout$ of in$urance and benefit$ to the $urviving family of $oldier$ who didn't come home. And gue$$ what: Our generation get$ to foot the bill. I$n't that lovely? Hmmm? Lots of comment$ in the Fark thread already, I highly $uggest joining in. (Link -- via Fark)

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