Friday, January 13, 2006


China Claims America Discovery - Vikings Chuckle

Everyone knows (or should know) that Norseman Leif Erickson discovered North America around the year 1000. Elitist whitey history mongers would have you believe that a crook like Cristopho Columbo (aka Christopher Columbus) did it in 1492. Well, all he discovered were the Caribbean Islands, and North America by extension later. Now those wacky Chinese claim to have a map, dated 1763, that says it was a copy of a map drawn 1418, decades before Columbus even left Europe, that clearly shows North and South America. Yeah, OK. We're supposed to take the klepto-cartographer at his handwritten word? Sorry, kids. But this ranks up there with Intelligent Design in the Bullshit Theories category. (Link -- via Fark)

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