Saturday, January 28, 2006


Censored Media: 25 Stories You Sould Have Heard

I'll let this page speak for itself. Now, if you people can't see the BS that the Bush Administration is putting us through by this point, you're either blind, or a party-line retard. (Link -- via Fark)

Lost Prophyt,

It is interesting that you mention one must be a party-line retard to not realize the importance of many of these articles. It is definitely true that these articles paint a bad picture of Bush's Administration, however, one should realize that it is always easier to criticize the party in power because they are the ones making the headlines (regardless of not getting enough attention). Both parties have glaring faults and people who fail to see this are just as much retards as those who fervently look at one side of the political spectrum. The scariest politician is the politician who votes only for what the party does, completely disregarding their own morals.

I can gather from your website as well as your comments on my website that you may make decisions before you have completely analyzed an article/post. For example, in my post on the proposed Kerry filibuster, your comments did not accurately respond to my opinion I wrote. I mentioned that I am pro-choice but yet feel that abortions constitute murder. In this I am clearly implying that I am not forcing my morals on anyone, but rather stating that I disagree with abortion due to my views on when a fetus is considered a child. You suggested just the opposite to me when posting on my website. I will agree with you in general that creating laws to regulate some issues are completely unnecessary. It is said that the road to hell is filled with good intentions and the abortion issue is certainly filled with good intentions. I am curious on which road we have traveled and to insinuate one way or the other would make us as bad at Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, and other televangelists and their fanatic conservative christian wing.

Anyways, I am certainly getting off topic, but as a fellow /.er, you should really check this link out:
I'm glad you made this comment. Yes, on the surface, it would seem that I haven't really touched on the subject matter at hand all that much, and also seem that I jump to a very quick conclusion. This isn't the case.

At BP, I have to be quick and blunt.
People don't want lengthy, in-depth coverage of the whole thing. That's what the news outlets do themselves. Me, I'm just here to get people's attention. Get them thinking, one way or the other. If they think I've got that narrow of a train of thought on these issues, they're going to do one of three things within 5 seconds of reading my posts:

1 Totally Agree with me Then, hopefully, they'll read the article to see what led me to that short-and-sweet statement.
2 Totally Disagree with me and think I'm a Left-Wing nutjob, and hopefully read the article to see if I'm either totally wrong, or at least jumping the gun.
3 Not give a rat's ass, but still read the article anyway to see why I seem like such a leftist nutcase.

It's that third demographic that I'm looking for. They're the ones who need to get off their duffs and start getting involved, one way or the other.

Slamming the Bush Administration is easy, because they themselves make it easy. Bush is an obvious simpleton. Chris Rock once said "A Black C student can't be a manager at Burger King. But a White C student just so happens to be the President of the United States of America." I think that about sums it up nice and tidy right there. And who's the bigger fool? The fool in charge, or the fools who follow him blindly?

But if you read BP just a little closer, you'll see that I'm also somewhat critical of the Left, though I don't make it so obvious. The Democrats are, in fact, no better than the Republicans, IMHO. They're all corrupt. Each and every single one of them in Washington is, in one way or another, doing shady crap behind our backs for their own personal gain. Be it more money or more power, these people want it, and they want as much of it as they can get.

To hell with the Average American. They're only looking out for #1.

Our government has officially failed us, and from both sides to boot. It just so happens that, right now, it's the Republicans railroading asinine policy and legislation through using their majority.

Faith based initiatives.

Domestic Spying (though Bush himself is responsible for that mess).

Conservative Judges who will most likely (but not certainly) pander to the extreme Right and overturn Roe v. Wade. He was confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Comitte on a purely party-line vote.

The PATRIOT Act. Big mess.

The Real ID Act. In less than three years, we will all have a National ID card. Didn't hear much about that, did ya. Well, it exists.

Copyright modifications that restrict fair-use, and allowing the RIAA to run rampant on consumers, including kids. This, as I've posted about, has also recently lead some Senators (including Republicans) to think twice about letting this go unchecked.

Attempting to limit consensual, adults-only pornography and art. Attorney General Gonzo has created his "Porn Squad" as well as the restrictive U.S.C. 2257

Deny Gays and Lesbians equal recognition in the form of neither marriage nor civil union. It was talked about, for a time, that Congress and the Bush Administration wanted to write a ban on such unions (and by definition, discrimination against human beings) into the Consitution, although this never panned out.

There are plenty more things, but I don't want to run my mouth off TOO much. That's why I have a private blog. But I just wanted to thank you for pointing this out. I was wondering when someone would ask me why I was so hard-line reactionary, really. I hope this answers your question. I'm just a provoker, really. If I can persuade people to think about something, good on me. It's why I created this blog.

And for the record, I'm a registered Independant. I dream of the day when a third party has enough support to be a viable contender, and I hope its representatives have the common sense to not be like their Pachyderm and Jackass colleagues...
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