Thursday, January 19, 2006


"bin Laden" Tape Says Attacks Coming, But...

How weird is this? A new tape released by al-Jazeera, reportedly recorded by Osama (Usama? Which is it, damnit?) bin Laden, contains info on new attacks on America, but also an offer for a truce. (BBC -- MSNBC -- Fark Thread)

Now, you see? They don't hate freedom. They don't necessarily hate the American People. What they hate is the Middle-east Policy of the United States Government. In reality, they're only pissed off at a few hundred people. The people who have meddled in the affairs of the Middle-east since the Industrial Revolution, and especially after World War II.

What they want is for us to go away and leave them alone. They also want us to stop dividing up the land that is rightfully theirs and giving it to a people they don't much care for, all based on a fictional account in a 2000 year old work of fiction. They just want to deal with their own business on their terms. They don't want our influence. They don't need it.

Look. These people have been killing each other for thousands of years. Constant infighting is all they know. That's not going to change anytime soon, no matter how many UN Resolutions you pass or how many nations you invade.

Fucking duh.

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