Thursday, December 15, 2005


A Two-Fer From Fark, Plus RFB!

Got two articles from Fark this morning, the first being the story of a man in NY who's being tagged as a hero, and rightly so. He caught a baby that was dropped from a third floor apartment in a panic during a fire. Both mom and baby are fine. (Link -- Fark Thread)

The second article is one of the weirder, yet ingenious, crime stories I've heard lately. Apparently, two women are running around in the greater Houston area. One of them flashes their intended victim, while the other uses the distraction as an oppertunity to yank out a gun so the duo can rob and carjack in the confusion. So, will the offending boobies be impounded as a weapon now? (Link -- Fark Thread)

Side Note: According to yesterday's WWdN:IX post, there should be an all-new episode of Radio Free Burrito available sometime in the coming days. I highly reccomend taking a listen to his PodCast, whether you have an iPod or not (any MP3 player will work fine), Wil's storytelling ability is something people can't praise enough, really. Here are the two previous episodes, just in case you missed them. (Episode 0 -- Episode 1 -- Mirrors For Both)

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