Friday, December 16, 2005
Tweak Freaks: Addicted To Change
Tweak. To pull or pinch gently. Or, in today's modern business world, to make a minor change to a document or presentation, supposedly for the better. Let's say you're a reporter at a middle-of-the-road newspaper, and your editor is constantly asking you to "tweak" this or that in the article. Tweak this word to make it sound more edgy. Tweak that detail to give it more importance. Tweak this, tweak that. These are "Tweak Freaks," and they can be pushy, counter-productive, and just plain annoying.
Tweaking seems simple enough: Sounds like a small, relatively easy change. But 99% of the time, the Tweak Freak who wants you to tweak something, won't tell you exactly how he or she wants it tweaked, so you're left to figure out what the hell to tweak it to. That's where the counter-productivity comes in. The annoying? It's always there, probably because your copy editor is just an annoying person by nature. Which is probably why he or she is a copy editor in the first place: they annoyed their way to that position. At any rate, the Globe and Mail has an article about this little problem. (Link)
Tweaking seems simple enough: Sounds like a small, relatively easy change. But 99% of the time, the Tweak Freak who wants you to tweak something, won't tell you exactly how he or she wants it tweaked, so you're left to figure out what the hell to tweak it to. That's where the counter-productivity comes in. The annoying? It's always there, probably because your copy editor is just an annoying person by nature. Which is probably why he or she is a copy editor in the first place: they annoyed their way to that position. At any rate, the Globe and Mail has an article about this little problem. (Link)