Tuesday, December 13, 2005



Stanley "Tookie" Williams, co-founder of the Crips, convicted quadruple murder and, surprisingly enough, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, was executed by leathal injection at 12:01AM in California's San Quinton Prison. Ahhh-nold didn't grant him a stay or clemency, and now Tookie is gone. IMHO, the man turned his life around and did very good things from his death row cell, and he maintained his innocence to the end. I'd say that's enough to at least grant hm clemency to life, and let him live it. But it's too late. Hang your colors on the left in his honor, and please... PLEASE... Remember his message. If Tookie can turn it around... (Link -- via Fark)

Side Note -- The Fark Thread is fairly busy today. I encourage everyone to sign up (it's spam free, I promise) and participate in the discussion. It might take a bit to load, though, depending on your connection.

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