Saturday, December 10, 2005


Slow News Saturday Vol. 1

I guess you could call it a "regular feature." News sites always slow down on Saturdays, so you really have to dig to find some interesting stuff. Here's a small collection of junk I found today...

The Beeb has an article about a proposed mission to Neptune and, in particular, its moon, Triton. Speculation about the craft is interesting, as it may be so big they have to launch it in two parts and assemble it in orbit. The big draw here is Triton itself, which is thought to be less of a moon and more of a captured object that wandered into Neptune's gravitational control. (Link)

The Beeb also has some coverage of the Sony/BMG DRM dabaucle. I also reccomend BoingBoing's growing roundup collection of stories regarding this mess, found here: I II III IV. (Link)

The Toronto Star brings us coverage of a UN Conference on Climate Changes. As usual, the USA was lagging behind, dragging its feet because of its lust for oil, and not much has come out of it other than empty promises of more talks. Meanwhile, Mother Nature continues (as she has for millions of years) to do things her own way. When will these silly politicians learn that there's nothing they can really do about a climate cycle millions of years in the making? (Link)

In another case of International Media paying more attention to the US than they probably should, the Aussie carrys the story of Los Angeles' fears over riots should Governator Ahhhh-nold not commute the death sentence of Stanley "Tookie" Williams, reformed gang founder and quadruple murder, to life in prison. Everyone remembers Rodney King, and nobody wants that again. Honestly, the idiots planning the violence should think twice about what they're doing versus what Tookie teaches these days... (Link)

Here's a good piece in the Washington Post about the so-called "War On Christmas," where fundies are crying about taking the true meaning of Christmas out of the public eye in favor of more "politically correct" genericy. Turns out that they're worried about nothing. All they care about is being the "Persicuted Christians" who want to improve their influence over everything. As with the climate changes, some cycles never die out, do they... (Link)

We now turn to the British Media paying attention to themselves, as the UK NHS is backed into a corner over a promising new cancer treatment. I guess we're not the only people with a top medical agency playing for the wrong team, AKA the perscription drug companies or the Religious Right. As the godson of a Breast Cancer victim, I'm throwing my weight behind any advances science can find, drug companies be damned. (Link)

And finally, the Israel/Palestine problem continues. This time, those poor Israelis are threatening to clamp down on Gaza Strip security if the Palestinian Militants don't knock off their own brand of BS. Let's face it: Both sides are guilty, and we all know why. Israel just needs to get over itself and the BS promise of land made to them in a Mother Goose fantasy story and deal with the fact that the Palestinians have as much right as they do to occupy that hunk of dirt. (Link)

It's going to be a slow day here at BP, too, which is why I've loaded you up with some link goodness. I've got a roadie gig this afternoon, so I won't be home to do any BP work until around 2am. But all two of you will survive, I'm sure...

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