Friday, December 09, 2005



I'm not a terribly huge fan of Disney. In fact, I pretty much hate what the company became under the leadership of a guy named Mikey. Disney owes its very existance to the Public Domain. Cinderella, Snow White, Tarzan, Beauty and the Beast; Their biggest hits are all public domain stories with just enough Disney original sugarpop tunes to make it distinctly theirs. That's why you see so many so-called "rip-off" tapes and DVDs on the WalMart shelves. They're not rip-offs, they're legal interpretations of the same story, minus the Disney Hype Machine.

Yet Disney themselves don't want their own creation, Mickey Mouse, to enter the Public Domain. They've taken, and taken advantage of, but they have yet to give. Why? The almighty dollar. Which is why Wil is also on a rant this fine, snowy Friday. It appears DizzKnee wants to "freshen up" Winnie the Pooh, almost replacing Christopher Robin with a girl character. Blasphemy? Of course. Greedy? You bet. Sad? True. (Link)

Update: John Kovalic of Dork Tower/Munchkin fame has a great Friday bonus along with his DT strip. Go check it out. If you get it, congratulations. If you don't, you need to discover the joy that is The Simpsons (Link -- via WWdN:IX)

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