Friday, December 16, 2005


And You Shuffle To The Shuffle

Further proof that our "Dear Leader" is a moron, and emerging proof that Fox News anchor Brit Hume is, too. The Washington Post has put up a transcript of Bush's visit on Hume's show, and boy, is it teh funnay! Apparently, Bush bought an iPod Shuffle, and doesn't know what the heck it's called. Hume had to coach him through it. Here's the blurb:

Unidentified Male: ...which ones do you play?
Bush: All of these. I put it on shuffle. Dwight Yokam. I've got the Shuffle, the, what is it called? The little...
Hume: Shuffle.
Bush: It looks like.

Hume: The Shuffle. That's the name of one of the models.
Bush: Yes, the Shuffle.

Hume: Called the Shuffle.
Bush: Lightweight, you crank it on, and you shuffle to the shuffle.

And here I thought intelligence was a requirement to be POTUS. One of the many times I've apparently been wrong, I guess... (Link -- via BoingBoing)

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